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Get To Know Hailee Walker

Writer's picture: HRCHRC

Research shows that for counselling to be effective, you need to work with the right person. One that you connect with and feel you can trust. To help you get to know Hailee on a little more of a personal level, we asked her to share a little about herself.

What is something we would never guess about you?

I have a terrible fear of birds.

What is something you hate, but you wished you loved?

Going to the gym.

What job would you be terrible at?

Now I think about it, I’d be quite terrible at a few jobs! I think the worst job for me would be working in an abattoir, butcher or deli, as I am vegetarian.

If you could turn any activity into an Olympic sport, what would you have a good chance at winning medal for?

I'd be a gold medallist at remembering 80's and 90's song lyrics and also guessing the endings to movies.

When people come to you for help, what do they usually want help with?

When people come to me for help, it is usually because of a relationship issue. That may be a relationship with self, as in they have lost their sense of self, or are feeling very anxious, sad or unsure of what path to take in life. They also come to me when they are struggling with a relationship issue with another, as in they are unhappy in their relationship or marriage.

Why did you decide to do the work you are doing now?

I'm not sure if I chose it, or it chose me. I was always a helper by nature. I was that kid who always wanted to help those around her. If a kid at school didn't have anyone to play with, I'd be their freind. If someone looked sad, I'd try to help them not feel so alone. I think helping others is just in the way that I am wired.

They say that everyone has a book in them. What would your book be about?

I think I'd write a book about modern marriage. So many of the books on marriage are antiquated and not helpful to us these days. I'd also like to write a book for teen/young women on what a healthy relationship and sex life look like. Our younger generation is being given so many unhealthy messages and examples of relationships currently. I'd like to balance that out a little.

You have learnt a lot in your career, what is the next thing you would like to learn?

I am really interested in increasing my knowledge about healthy sexuality and sexual problems. I am seeing more and more couples coming in with issues around desire and sex, and I'd like to keep building my knowledge and experience in this complex area.

What are some of your personal “rules” that you try to never break?

To tell and show my kids and husband that I love them everyday.

To always be honest and speak my truth.

I am grateful that I am allowed the privilege of working with my clients and helping them along their journey. It is such a special thing to be allowed into someone else's world and be trusted to help them. It really humbles me and makes me strive to be the best I can.

For what in your life do you feel most grateful?

I am grateful that I am allowed the privilege of working with my clients and helping them along their journey. It is such a special thing to be allowed into someone elses world and be trusted to help them. It really humbles me and makes me strive to be the best I can.

I am also grateful for my family. Without their love, support and patience, I don't know what I'd do.

If you would like to make an appointment with Hailee, you can do so here;

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