Adolescent Counselling
Young people see counsellors like us for lots of different reasons. Sometimes you might just need someone you can talk to who will really listen to you. There may be things in your life that are annoying or frustrating to you, or you may want help with the way that you are feeling, thoughts you are thinking, or your relationships with other people.
When you come in to chat with us, your counsellor will spend time getting to you know, and you will get to know them. Your counsellor will ask you (and maybe your parents if you want them in the room) some questions, listen to you, and work with you to figure out how we can best help you. You can ask your counsellor as many questions as you want. Sometimes thinking about sitting and talking to a counsellor can make you feel nervous. If you prefer, we can do something rather than sit and talk, like draw, play a game, you can play us your favourite songs or show us your favourite content creators. We have lots of different stuff to do here.
We Can Help You
Manage feeling sad, low mood or mood swings.
Learn ways to minimise feeling anxious or worried.
With low self worth/self esteem.
Cope with life pressures, like stress.
Navigate challenging family relationships or dynamics.
Have healthy relationships with friends, or romantic relationships.
Bullying or peer pressure.
Work out school related issues, like school refusal.
To understand your gender or sexual identity.
Learn how to make good decisions that you feel proud of.

What Makes Us Different?
We offer an evidence based scientific approach, but we never forget about how you feel.
We are a collaborative practice. This means that we can (if you want us to) work with your parent/s, teachers, and other health professionals to provide a holistic approach to counselling.
Our team are all fully trained, registered and considered experts in adolescent counselling.
Maintaining your confidentiality is very important to us. You can read more about this below.

Will you tell anyone what we talk about?
As counsellors, we must keep what you say to us private, and not share this information with any other people, including your parents, unless we have your permission to tell them. So, as a general rule, we will keep the information you share with us in our sessions confidential, unless we have your consent to share certain information.
However, there are some important exceptions to this rule:
As registered counsellors we must undertake supervision to remain registered. We may be required to discuss the type of work we are doing with our clients. We will not disclose any identifiable information.
If you are involved in a court case and a formal request (a subpoena) is made which requires us to share your information then we may have to, even without your consent.
Also, if we believe that you are at serious risk of harming yourself or another person, or if someone else is harming you, then we must take steps to protect you. This means that we may have to share what you have told us with other people, such as a parent or guardian, or the relevant authorities (eg., child protection), with or without your consent.
If any of these situations do come up and we must share your information, we will do our best to talk to you about who we need to share the information with, what we need to tell them, and why.
Except for in the situations we’ve mentioned above, we will not tell your parents specific things you share with us in sessions, unless we have your permission. However, sometimes it is important for your parent to know what is going on in your life. In those situations, we will encourage you to tell your parent and if you choose to, we can help you find the best way to tell them. Also, depending on your age and family situation, if your parents ask to meet with us, we may describe problems in general terms, without sharing any specific information that you have told us, in order to help them know how to be more helpful to you. We would talk to you about this first to make sure that you are comfortable with this.
If you have questions about the above, please just ask and we will answer any of your questions about it and will make sure that you are comfortable with it before we start.

Working with us
We offer individual counselling via Zoom, as well as in person sessions at my office located in Bella Vista, New South Wales, Australia.
In Person and Zoom sessions run for 60 minutes and cost $150.00AUD for individuals.
If you are ready to work with us, then click one of the links below to book your appointment or to find out more.